Using rhodamine-phalloidin to detect F-actin/microfilaments and indire
ct immunofluorescence to detect tubulin/microtubules, we studied the c
ytoskeleton in axial cells of Ceramium strictum Harv., especially micr
ofilaments and microtubules associated with cytoplasmic strands (trabe
culae) that extend longitudinally through the central vacuole. As axia
l cells attained mature size, trabeculae became progressively thinner,
branched, and then broke down. An extensive microfilament array was p
resent in peripheral parts of axial cells as well as in trabeculae. Mi
crofilament array were highly disrupted by cytochalasin-B; this result
ed in small irregular actin structures in axial cell peripheries and o
ccasional dense aggregations at the base of cells. No actin-fluorescen
ce was detected in intact trabeculae after cytochalasin-B treatment. M
icrotubules formed a primary structural component in trabeculae, which
were disrupted by griseofulvin (5 to 0.005 mu M) but reformed after t
wo days in griseofulvin-free medium.