Patterns of potential C source utilization by microbial communities we
re tested as a means for differentiating among and within rhizosphere
samples of different crops. Utilization of 95 separate sole C sources
was determined by inoculating microbial suspensions into BIOLOG plates
and quantifying color production from a redox-sensitive dye. Suspensi
ons were produced by shaking excised root samples from wheat, white po
tato, soybean and sweetpotato grown in hydroponic culture within contr
olled environmental growth chambers. Distinctive patterns of C source
utilization were apparent for each crop type, and the differences amon
g crops were consistent for experiments repeated over 2 years. A tempo
ral shift in C source utilization related to plant development state w
as observed in soybean. Results indicate that this rapid method is eff
ective for detecting plant dependent differences in rhizosphere commun
ities, and changes in response to plant developmental state.