Efforts are underway to define environmental control schemes for proce
sses that generate volatile organic (VOC) waste, the objective being t
o simultaneously ensure economic viability with ecological benignancy.
Zero-emission manufacturing facilities are the ultimate goal. Catalys
is has already been shown to play a significant role in control of emi
ssions of gaseous pollutants from automobiles and electric power plant
s; effective pollution-abatement catalysts are now being developed to
meet strict environmental regulations. The potential benefit of cataly
sis applied to VOC-generated processes is that organic waste streams c
an be eliminated almost at the point of generation, via combustion. A
small-scale laboratory set-up is being utilized as a benchmark for a f
easibility study, to characterize the efficacy of this environmental c
ontrol, thus providing preliminary data for optimization, scale-up cri
teria and guidelines for implementation. Results from this research wi
ll be discussed as a case-study of the manner in which ''design-for-en
vironment'' concepts are being integrated into industrial processes.