Lattice discretizations of continuous manifolds are common tools used
in a variety of physical contexts. Conventional discrete approximation
s, however, cannot capture all aspects of the original manifold, notab
ly its topology. In this paper we discuss an approximation scheme due
to Sorkin (1991) which correctly reproduces important topological aspe
cts of continuum physics. The approximating topological spaces are par
tially ordered sets (posets), the partial order encoding the topology,
Now, the topology of a manifold M can be reconstructed from the commu
tative C-algebra C(M) of continuous functions defined on it. In turn,
this algebra is generated by continuous probability densities in ordi
nary quantum physics on M. The latter also serves to specify the domai
ns of observables like the Hamiltonian. For a poset, the role of this
algebra is assumed by a noncommutative C-algebra A. This fact makes a
ny poset a genuine 'noncommutative' ('quantum') space, in the sense th
at the algebra of its 'continuous functions' is a noncommutative C-al
gebra. We therefore also have a remarkable connection between finite a
pproximations to quantum physics and noncommutative geometries. We use
this connection to develop various approximation methods for doing qu
antum physics using A.