Aim-To compare the birthweight specific prevalence of cerebral palsy i
n singleton and multiple births. Methods-Registered births of babies w
ith cerebral palsy born to mothers resident in the counties of Merseys
ide and Cheshire during the period 1982 to 1989 were ascertained. Resu
lts-The crude prevalence of cerebral palsy was 2.3 per 1000 infant sur
vivors in singletons, 12.6 in twins, and 44.8 in triplets. The prevale
nce of cerebral palsy rose with decreasing birthweight. The birthweigh
t specific prevalence among those of low birthweight < 2500 g was not
significantly different in singleton than in multiple births. Among in
fants weighing greater than or equal to 2500 g, there was a significan
tly higher risk in multiple than in singleton births. The higher crude
cerebral palsy prevalence in multiple births is partly due to the low
er birthweight distribution and partly due to the higher risk among no
rmal birthweight infants. Conclusions-Multiple birth babies are at inc
reased risk of cerebral palsy. There is also an increased risk of cere
bral palsy within a twin pregnancy if the co-twin has died in utero.