Cardiac transplantation has become the treatment of choice for end sta
ge heart disease, In 1990 2,000 transplants were performed worldwide,
Orthopaedic Surgeons will be asked with increasing frequency to evalua
te and treat bone and soft tissue problems with these patients, Orthop
aedic service at the Mater Hospital has been involved in the follow-up
treatment of orthopaedic complications in 46 transplant patients over
a six year period, Thirty eight were male and eight were female, The
ages were between 12 years and 65 years (mean 44.3), Nine (20%) of the
se patients developed thirteen orthopaedic complications: Avascular Ne
crosis of the hip (AVN) (4), Soft tissue infections (3), Osteoporosis
(2), Stress Fractures (2), Osteomyelitis (1) and Ostomalacia (1), The
mode of presentation, investigation and management of orthopaedic prob
lems particular to these patients is described, Most patients who deve
lop bony complications have had increased doses of steroids for episod
es of rejection, This study highlights the special features of this pa
tient population that require modification of the treatment approach s
uch as the need to avoid the drug Erythromycin and the increased risk
of AVN of the hip in patients who require high dose steroids.