In the prevailing climate of cost containment, doctors are increasingl
y expected to consider the economic consequences of treatment choices,
Clinical (or medical) economics attempts to apply economic principles
to the description and analysis of the costs of medical interventions
, so as to identify how best to spend scarce health care resources, Su
ch economic evaluations may assess the overall financial burden of a d
isease to society as a whole (macro-economics), or attempt to compare
alternative treatment strategies for a specific clinical situation (mi
cro-economics). In addition to expenditure on drugs and investigations
(direct medical costs), economic studies may consider a variety of ot
her costs, These include direct costs borne by patients (e.g, prescrip
tion charges, travel, food), indirect costs to society owing to lost p
roductivity (resulting from morbidity or premature mortality) and even
intangible costs which assign a monetary value to outcomes of disease
such as pain, distress and anxiety, Four main types of economic analy
sis are in current use, Cost-minimization analysis attempts to identif
y the least expensive option in situations where there are a range of
equally effective treatments for a given clinical condition, whereas c
ost-effectiveness analysis allows management strategies differing both
in cost and efficacy to be compared, The cost-effectiveness of health
care programmes targeting different disease states may also be compar
ed using cost-utility analysis, in which health benefits are translate
d into a common utility-based unit of outcome, such as the Quality Adj
usted Life Year (QALY), Cost-benefit analysis attempts to quantify hea
lth outcomes in monetary terms, so that the net result provides an ass
essment of value-for-money of health interventions, Gastrointestinal d
isorders are amongst the commonest of complaints, and considerable hea
lth care resources are consumed in treatment. Issues of cost-effective
ness are likely to assume increasing importance in gastroenterology be
cause of the ever expanding range of drug choice, the increasing numbe
r of high cost treatments and the development of new therapeutic inter