In rural areas, it is important to clarify our understanding of how pr
imary care and specialty mental health professionals organize care for
those with mental disorders, and the role that linkages between speci
alty mental health and primary health care providers can play in the e
ffectiveness of such care. Although these are issues that must be gene
rally addressed, in rural areas fewer institutional and individual pro
viders per capita accentuate problems of health care organization and
delivery. This paper reports findings from an exploratory study of ser
vice use in two primary care sites in a rural, group-model HMO (Site A
enrollment = 2,625; Site B = 6,019). We found that patients in the pr
imary care site who had weaker mental health consultative linkages, hi
gher rurality, and less availability of mental health specialty care u
sed more mental health services by primary care providers (XX = 5.19 (
3.78,6.61)), received more ambulatory care from joint mental health/pr
imary care providers (XX = 1.68 (1.02,2.78)), and had more mental heal
th hospital utilization (adjusted OR = 1.84 (0.54,6.23)). These findin
gs point to the need for further study of primary care providers and t
heir linkage relationships in rural areas, in this large and currently
often underserved population.