Haplotypes consisting of alleles at a short tandem repeat polymorphism
(STRP) and an Alu deletion polymorphism at the CD4 locus on chromosom
e 12 were analyzed in more than 1600 individuals sampled from 42 geogr
aphically dispersed populations (13 African, 2 Middle Eastern, 7 Europ
ean, 9 Asian, 3 Pacific, and 8 Amerindian). Sub-Saharan African popula
tions had more haplotypes and exhibited more variability in frequencie
s of haplotypes than the Northeast African or non-African populations.
The Alu deletion was nearly always associated with a single STRP alle
le in non-African and Northeast African populations but was associated
with a wide range of STRP alleles in the sub-Saharan African populati
ons. This global pattern of haplotype variation and linkage disequilib
rium suggests a common and recent African origin for all non-African h
uman populations.