The c-fos protooncogene is rapidly and transiently activated by divers
e stimuli. Thus, it is controlled by several signal transduction syste
ms. The complex structure of the c-fos promotor contributes to the cor
responding functional properties of this gene related to cell differen
tiation and proliferation and a number of stress reactions. Binding of
external factors to the cell surface specifically activates intracell
ular processes leading to the interaction of specific transcription fa
ctors with the c-fos promotor. Depending on the characteristics of thi
s interaction, various signal transduction pathways can be activated;
key roles in these reactions are played by membrane components (recept
ors, G-proteins, Ras, adaptor proteins, tyrosine-specific protein kina
ses) and cytoplasmic protein kinases (PKC, PKA, components of MAP-kina
se cascade). Most of the signal transduction pathways are straightforw
ard, but some of their components interact with additional factors, th
us complicating the signal transduction network and providing for exte
nded possibilities of c-fos regulation.