The benefits of distributed systems and shared database resources are
widely recognized, but they often cannot be exploited by users who mus
t protect their data by using label-based access controls. In particul
ar, users of label-based data need to read and write data at different
security levels within a single database transaction, which is not cu
rrently possible without violating multilevel security constraints. Th
is paper presents a formal model of multilevel transactions which prov
ide this capability. We define four ACIS (atomicity, consistency, isol
ation, and security) correctness properties of multilevel transactions
. While atomicity, consistency and isolation are mutually achievable i
n standard single-site and distributed transactions, we show that the
security requirements of multilevel transactions conflict with some of
these goals. This forces trade-offs to be made among the ACIS correct
ness properties, and we define appropriate partial correctness propert
ies. Due to such trade-offs, an important problem is to design multile
vel transaction execution protocols which achieve the greatest possibl
e degree of correctness. These protocols must provide a variety of app
roaches to making trade-offs according to the differing priorities of
various users. We present three transaction execution protocols which
achieve a high degree of correctness. These protocols exemplify the co
rrectness trade-offs proven in the paper, and offer realistic implemen
tation options.