Surgical ablation of supraventricular cardiac arrhythmias has been ren
dered obsolete by the various modalities of electromagnetic transcathe
ter ablation techniques. Arty ablation technique, including surgery, i
s essentially the controlled destruction of a substrate which is actin
g as a source or a critical circuit limb of an arrhythmia. The most su
ccessful and popular modality is radiofrequency (RF) ablation although
other, modalities such as de shock, laser microwave, and ultrasound a
re also being investigated. This review discusses the role of electric
al ablation, especially: RF ablation, as a treatment for supraventricu
lar tachyarrhythmia and reviews the engineering principles and biologi
cal responses to ablation. A brief synopsis of the results of electric
al catheter ablation procedures is presented. RF catheter ablation is
a successful technique in clinical arrhythmia management, with reporte
d success rates of greater than 95% in many series. The indications fo
r clinical RF catheter ablation continue to broaden.