The role of the citric acid cycle enzyme NADP-dependent isocitrate deh
ydrogenase (IDH-NADP) and its allele product variants in resisting the
oxidative agent paraquat, was analyzed among descendants of reciproca
l crosses between fast developmental time short-lived individuals (F-)
and slow developmental time long-lived ones (S+), in Drosophila melan
ogaster. Taking preadult developmental time into account, the data sug
gested that IDH-NADP differences in enzymatic activity between electro
phoretically fast and slow allele product variants could play an impor
tant role in paraquat resistance and longevity, because individuals wi
th slow developmental time bearing the fast electrophoretic variant of
IDH-NADP (''fast'' allele) were the most resistant. The fast electrop
horetic variant df this enzyme is known to be the most active one and
its activity is related to increased reduction of NADP to NADPH. This
process could be very important for an effective balance between sever
al pathways that use NADPH as precursor molecules and the oxidative st
ress defense system that uses it as an oxygen free radical reductor. W
e also reported a strong maternal effect on these traits, because surv
ivors of a paraquat bioassay carrying cytoplasm inherited from slow de
velopmental long-lived females (S+ cytoplasm) showed the highest frequ
ency of the fast electrophoretical variant of IDH-NADP. Copyright (C)
1996 Elsevier Science Inc.