The structure and development of the oil glands of Melaleuca alternifo
lia (Maiden & Betche) Cheel is described with reference to the product
ion of essential oil. Oil glands were first apparent in immature leave
s (ca. node 3) and continued to form, while density per unit area decr
eased, as the leaf expanded. The number of glands in a leaf reached a
maximum prior to full leaf expansion. A genetic component related to o
il gland density was indicated by a lower variation in the number of g
lands in the most recently fully expanded leaf within a plant than bet
ween plants of the same seed source. Oil yield was not, however, corre
lated with oil gland density. The cavity of the gland formed schizogen
ously or schizo-lysigenous. No significant variation was recorded in B
e yield and composition of the oil over a 48 h period. Short term (8 d
ay) water stress did not effect oil yield or composition. These observ
ations are consistent with the concept of a one-way developmental path
way for oil gland formation and oil content. Varying nitrogen and phos
phorus nutrition and light levels over a 3 month period did not influe
nce oil gland density or specific oil yield from leaves formed under t
he imposed conditions. The effect of plant nutrition on oil production
must therefore be explained by the effect on biomass production. The
glands were capped by modified epidermal cells. Oil was observed to pa
ss through these cells when the leaf was subjected to vacuum, and may
allow a gradual loss of oil from the glands under field conditions.