TO test the hypothesis that developmental integration coordinates evol
utionary change through history, we dissect the spatial and temporal i
ntegration of ontogenetic allometries of piranha body form and examine
the evolutionary coordination among ontogenetic features by a phyloge
netic analysis. Few of our characters provide evidence in support of t
he hypothesis. In general, we find that developmental integration is h
istorically labile, being modified at virtually every speciation event
. Most of the ontogenetic features are dissociated in their phylogenet
ic changes and evolve in a mosaic fashion. Indeed, developmental integ
ration is so labile that primitively integrated features of ontogeny u
sually evolve subsequently as independent characters. Evolutionary cha
nges in developmental integration can result in increased or decreased
integration on the ontogenetic time scale. When localized features ar
e deleted from ontogeny, or when spatially integrated features are gai
ned, the derived ontogenies may be more integrated in a spatial sense.
The end result of phylogenetic dissociations may be a more highly dev
elopmentally integrated ontogeny, Thus, in the piranhas we studied, we
find a historically coupled increase in developmental integration cau
dally and a decrease in developmental integration cranially.