A formula for the calculation of average power of a Fourier harmonic o
f a nucleotide sequence with given composition by means of the matrix
Fourier analysis method is suggested. A search for the periodic regula
rities with the periods from two to ten nucleotides was carried out on
a sample set of human exons and introns. It is shown that all the per
iodicities researched, including the three nucleotides period, are ran
dom in introns, whereas in exons the 3 periodic regularity is much str
onger. The periods that are not multiples of 3, however, are also rand
om in exons. The two nuleotides periodicity, which is, according to th
e literature, over-represented in introns, appears to be also random i
n the case under study. The results are important for the development
of the algorithms for the coding regions search in DNA, and for the un
derstanding of the global statistic regularities in human genome.