The O(N) nonlinear sigma model in a D-dimensional space of the form R(
D-M) X T-M, R(D-M) X S-M, or T-M X S-P is studied, where R(M), T-M, an
d S-M correspond to flat space, a torus, and a sphere, respectively. U
sing zeta-regularization and the 1/N expansion, the corresponding part
ition functions-for deriving the free energy-and the gap equations are
obtained, In particular, the free energy at the critical point on R(2
q+1) X S-2p+2 vanishes in accordance with the conformal equivalence to
the flat space R(D). Numerical solutions of the gap equations at the
critical coupling constants are given for several values of D. The pro
perties of the partition function and its asymptotic behavior for larg
e D are discussed. In a similar way, a higher-derivative nonlinear sig
ma model is investigated, too. The physical relevance of our results i
s discussed. (C) 1996 American Institute of Physics.