This study investigated the perceptions of certified athletic trainers
concerning their attitudes, beliefs, and application of a variety of
psychological strategies and techniques used in the treatment and reha
bilitation of athletic injuries. The Athletic Training and Sport Psych
ology Questionnaire (ATSPQ) was adapted from instruments developed by
Wiese, Weiss, and Yukelson (1991) and Brewer, Van Raalte, and Linder (
1991). The ATSPQ, a letter of introduction, and a self-addressed stamp
ed envelope were distributed to 1,000 certified athletic trainers rand
omly selected from the membership database maintained by the National
Athletic Trainers' Association (NATA). Only 482 (48.2%) of these quest
ionnaires returned were usable. 47% of athletic trainers who responded
believe that every injured athlete suffers psychological trauma. 24%
reported that they have referred an athlete for counseling for situati
ons related to their injury, and 25% reported that they have a sport p
sychologist as a member of their sports medicine team. This study conc
ludes that future education of athletic trainers should address the ps
ychological aspects of injury treatment as well as the development of
a sport psychology referral network.