A system of two small planets orbiting the Sun on low-eccentricity, lo
w-inclination orbits is stable with respect to close encounters if the
initial semi-major axis difference, a, measured in mutual Hill radii,
R(H), exceeds 2 root 3, due to conservation of energy and angular mom
entum. We investigate the stability of systems of more than two planet
s using numerical integrations. We find that systems with Delta < 10 a
re always unstable, with the time, t, of first close encounter given a
pproximately by log t = b Delta + c, where b and c are constants. It i
s likely that systems with Delta > 10 are also unstable. The slope b d
epends weakly on the number of planets, but is independent of planetar
y mass, m, if we measure Delta in units that are proportional to m(1/4
) rather than the usual R(H) proportional to m(1/3). Instability in mu
lti-planet systems arises because energy and angular momentum are no l
onger conserved within each two-planet subsystem due to perturbations
by the additional planet(s). These results suggest that planetary embr
yos will not become isolated prior to the final stage of terrestrial-p
lanet formation simply due to a failure to achieve close encounters. O
ther factors leading to isolation cannot be ruled out at this stage. (
C) 1996 Academic Press, Inc.