In order to assess the potential of lactobacilli to cause serious infe
ctions, we studied the prevalence of bacteremia due to Lactobacillus s
pecies during a 4-year period (1989-1992) in southern Finland, which h
as a population of about 2.5 million. Among 3,317 blood culture isolat
es, lactobacilli were identified in eight patients, five of whom had a
severe disease predisposing to bacteremic complications. The eight st
rains isolated were identified to the species level and typed by carbo
hydrate fermentation tests and by direct sequencing of enzymatically a
mplified 16S rRNA. The results did not provide evidence that any parti
cular species or subspecies of Lactobacillus was the cause of the infe
ctions; no infections caused by isolates similar to the recently intro
duced dairy probiotic strain, Lactobacillus GG (ATCC 53103), were obse
rved. The data show an infrequent association of lactobacilli with bac
teremic infections in spite of the ubiquitous presence of these organi
sms in the gastrointestinal tract and their widespread consumption in
fermented milks; thus, there is strong evidence that their pathogenic
potential is very low.