This research examined the relationship between optimism and socioecon
omic status (SES) in a sample ((N) under bar=245) of Anglo- and Mexica
n-Americans. Study 1 found small but significant correlations between
both situational (measured by the Generalized Expectancy for Success S
cale-Revised; GESS-R) and dispositional optimism (measured by the Life
Orientation Test; LOT) and SES. Correlations were stronger for Anglo-
Americans than for the sample as a whole and were not statistically si
gnificant for Mexican-American subjects. Study 2 used a purely Mexican
-American sample ((N) under bar=254), performed exploratory factor ana
lysis on both the LOT and GESS-R, and correlated the rotated factor sc
ores with SES. A GESS-R factor involving themes of social interaction
correlated positively with SES ((r) under bar=.17). Results are interp
reted in terms of cultural differences between the two ethnic groups,
particularly in light of the collectivist/individualist culture dichot