Mailing poster presenters a brochure suggesting ways to improve their
posters led to visually better posters. A brochure describing 24 ways
to improve poster presentations was mailed to a random sample of prese
nters two months prior to the 1994 Annual Convention of the Swedish Me
dical Association. Three pairs of observers, unaware of who had receiv
ed the brochure, evaluated 146 posters [88 recipients (n=105), 58 nonr
ecipients (n=70)]. Brochure recipients made use of more suggestions th
an nonrecipients, and they produced posters giving a better over-all i
mpression. The procedure best correlated with receiving an above-avera
ge rating concerned placing conclusions in the upper left-hand corner
of the poster. The results show that it may be possible to improve the
quality of scientific posters by empirically deriving standards for p