Scores on five personality characteristics, extraversion, neuroticism,
and psychoticism as well as reactive and proactive rebelliousness, an
d the appreciation of soft/nonrebellious and hard/rebellious rock-musi
c videotapes were explored. After completing the personality tests, fe
male and male undergraduates were exposed to rock-music videotapes and
asked to rare various aspects of their enjoyment of each. Analysis in
dicated that psychoticism and reactive rebelliousness were associated
with enjoyment in a parallel fashion. Specifically, respondents scorin
g high on psychoticism or high on reactive rebelliousness enjoyed hard
/rebellious rock-music videotapes more than did their peers scoring lo
w on psychoticism or low on reactive rebelliousness. The reverse was e
vident for the enjoyment of soft/nonrebellious rock-music videotapes.
In contrast, scores on extraversion, neuroticism and proactive rebelli
ousness were not associated with enjoyment. Gender differences emerged
, however; women (n=78) enjoyed soft/nonrebellious rock music more tha
n did men (n=60); and conversely, men enjoyed hard/rebellious rock mus
ic more than did women.