The short-range ordered state of thermal equilibrium for a single crys
tal of Cu-14.4 at.%Al aged at 483 K has been investigated at room temp
erature by diffuse X-ray scattering. From the short-range order scatte
ring separated by the Georgopoulos-Cohen method, effective pair intera
ctions V-lmn were determined. At least the first 11 V-lmn were require
d to reproduce the topology of the short-range order scattering. A str
uctural analysis of modeled short-range ordered crystals as well as th
e values for the ground state energy of various Ll(2)-based superstruc
tures suggest that at low temperatures the D0(23) structure is more st
able for stoichiometric Cu3Al than any of the long-period Ll(2)-based
superstructures observed at higher temperatures.