The relationship between paleoclimates and the future climate, while n
ot as simple as implied in the 'paleoanalog' studies of Budyko and oth
ers, nevertheless provides sufficient constraints to broadly confirm t
he climate sensitivity range of theoretical models and perhaps eventua
lly narrow the model-derived uncertainties. We use a new technique cal
led 'paleocalibration' to calculate the ratio of temperature response
to forcing on a global mean scale for three key intervals of Earth his
tory. By examining surface conditions reconstructed from geologic data
for the Last Glacial Maximum, the middle Cretaceous and the early Eoc
ene, we can estimate the equilibrium climate sensitivity to radiative
forcing changes for different extreme climates. We find that the ratio
s for these three periods, within error bounds, all lie in the range o
btained from general circulation models: 2-5 K global warming for doub
led atmospheric carbon dioxide. Paleocalibration thus provides a data-
based confirmation of theoretically calculated climate sensitivity. Ho
wever, when compared with paleodata on regional scales, the models sho
w less agreeement with data. For example, our GCM simulation of the ea
rly Eocene fails to obtain the temperature contrasts between the Equat
or and the Poles (and between land and ocean areas) indicated by the d
ata, even though it agrees with the temperature data in the global ave
rage. Similar results have been reported by others for the Cretaceous
and for the Last Glacial Maximum.