Although abundant in marine systems, hard substratum fouling organisms
with high fecundity and large dispersal capability are rare in freshw
ater ecosystems. A noteworthy exception is a recent invader of North A
merican lakes and rivers, the zebra mussel, Dreissena polymorpha. Cons
equences of this novel ecological type in these systems are not fully
understood. Using computer simulations we modelled the potential conse
quences of Dreissena abundance for lake planktonic community structure
along a nutrient gradient, using Green Bay of Lake Michigan as an exa
mple. We constructed a model of food-web interactions that accurately
reproduces abundances of Phytoplankton and zooplankton along this nutr
ient gradient. To this model we added consumption and filtration rates
of Dreissena at varying densities. Model results indicate that Dreiss
ena have strong negative effects on large phytoplankton, with chloroph
yll reduced up to 80% as compared to the same community without zebra
mussels. Results also indicate that Dreissena have relatively small ef
fects on nanoplankton and herbivorous zooplankton. Effects are qualita
tively similar along the nutrient gradient, and are strongest at the m
ost eutrophic site. The effects of zebra mussels on the abundance of s
mall phytoplankton and zooplankton were far less than the effects of n
utrient levels along the gradient. The effects of zebra mussels on the
large phytoplankton, however, were in the same order of magnitude as
the effects of the nutrient gradient.