Ac. Malmborg et al., REAL-TIME ANALYSIS OF OCT PROTEIN-OCTAMER INTERACTION AND TRANSCRIPTION COMPLEX ASSEMBLY, Molecular immunology, 32(17-18), 1995, pp. 1429-1442
Specific interactions between the protein-binding sequence of the immu
noglobulin transcription regulatory element, the octamer, and Oct prot
eins have been investigated using a biosensor based on surface plasmon
resonance. By analysis of in vitro translated Oct1 and Oct2A with a c
onsensus octamer probe, it was shown that the affinity constant, assoc
iation rate constant and dissociation rate constant of Oct1 were highe
r than for Oct2A. The biggest difference was in the association rate c
onstants, but this difference was reduced when an octamer motif contai
ning a point mutation was used as a probe. Elements in the octamer fla
nking sequence could increase the on-rate of Oct proteins to a mutated
octamer while not decreasing the off-rate. Oct-octamer interaction in
whole nuclear extracts could be detected readily in the biosensor and
adapter interactions with template bound proteins were revealed. Thus
, biosensor analysis represent a fast and convenient alternative appro
ach to study specific protein-DNA and protein-protein interactions in
analysis of transcriptional regulation.