Magnetically induced super resolution (MSR) with double (front and rea
r) masks was achieved using GdFeCo/GdFe/TbFeCo (readout/intermediate/m
emory) triple layer films. The duplication of information from the mem
ory layer to the readout layer is done through the magnetostatic coupl
ing. The front mask and the rear mask are formed by in-plane magnetiza
tion and by collapsing written domains, respectively, without applying
external fields. The transition from in-plane to perpendicular magnet
ization was made sharper by introducing the intermediate layer. Using
this MSR medium and a conventional optical head (lambda = 780 nm), car
rier-to-noise ratio (C/N) of over 45 dB for a mark length of 0.40 mu m
and crosstalk of -38 dB for a 0.8 mu m track pitch were achieved. How
ever, during the readout process, the magnetostatically coupled MSR me
dium is much more sensitive to the disturbance of external fields than
exchange-coupled MSR medium.