1. The influence of central inspiratory drive on heart rate variabilit
y was investigated in young human subjects using power spectral analys
is of R-R intervals. 2. The area of the high-frequency component occur
ring at the respiratory frequency (0.2-0.25 Hz) in the power spectral
density curves was used as an index of respiratory sinus arrhythmia. 3
. Central inspiratory drive was increased by breathing a CO2-enriched
(5%) gas mixture and this condition was compared with a similar degree
of ventilation produced voluntarily. 4. Tests were conducted on eight
young subjects with and without low-dose scopolamine (scopoderm TTS)
in a double-blind cross-over trial. 5. Scopolamine decreased heart rat
e and increased the high-frequency peak, suggesting that its main acti
on on the cardiac vagal pathway was a peripheral one, possibly increas
ing the efficacy of vagal impulses on the cardiac pacemaker.6. With sc
opolamine, CO2 breathing increased the area of the high-frequency comp
onent significantly more than a similar degree of ventilatory movement
s produced by voluntary hyperventilation. 7. It is concluded that resp
iratory sinus arrhythmia in humans is at least partly dependent on a c
entral respiratory-cardiac coupling, most probably similar to that sho
wn in animal studies.