From an analysis of British radar data, it is concluded that the serie
s of consecutive rainfall coverages for a given area (e.g. a general c
irculation model grid-square) is strongly correlated. Consequently, in
application of a rainfall disaggregation procedure, the choice of rai
nfall coverage at each time-step should not be independent of previous
coverage. The series of areal rainfall depths may be used to represen
t part of this correlation by a simple regression based model. Improve
ments upon this representation based upon linear time-series models ar
e examined here, but they are of limited use. A second model uses the
strong correlation between logarithmic transforms of the coverage and
of the mean areal depth. It provides a good reproduction of the autoco
rrelation structure of the observed time-series. The reproduction of t
he marginal distribution can be improved upon by adding a linear time-
series component. Another model which uses correlations between the se
ries of ratios of consecutive coverages and those of consecutive areal
rainfall depths is more successful in reproducing the autocorrelation
s of the coverages while preserving the features of the marginal distr
ibution of the coverage. It provides a method for the generation of su
ccessive coverages conditional-upon the knowledge of the areal rainfal
l depths.