A simple error vorticity model is used to study processes contributing
to the evolution of the 300-hPa systematic nondivergent Row errors in
the National Meteorological Center Medium Range Forecast model (MRF)
during the 1992-93 winter season. The error model is forced by two sou
rce terms representing, respectively, systematic errors in the irrotat
ional Row and transient eddy vorticity fluxes. The results indicate th
at the model simulates reasonably well the development of many of the
large-scale features of the zonally asymmetric part of the MRF systema
tic nondivergent Row errors, but it fails to simulate the zonally symm
etric portion unless an extra forcing term representing systematic err
ors in the irrotational flow analyses is included. Two independent met
hods are employed to estimate the systematic errors in the irrotationa
l Bow analyses. The two estimates are highly correlated, and both indi
cate that the analyzed irrotational Row in the Tropics is too weak. Th
e magnitude of the estimated analysis errors is of the same order as t
he difference between the divergence in the 10-day forecasts and the a
nalysis. Globally, systematic errors in the irrotational flow dominate
the evolution of nondivergent Bow errors during the first few days of
the model integration. Beyond 5-6 days, the extratropical error evolu
tion is determined mainly by the integrated effects of systematic erro
rs in the transient eddy vorticity fluxes. In the extratropics, transi
ents eddy vorticity flux errors appear to be the major factor in produ
cing systematic errors in the zonal mean nondivergent flow. In the Tro
pics, the rapid development of the zonal mean easterly wind bias is di
rectly related to systematic irrotational Row errors. The authors post
ulate that early in the forecasts systematic errors in the irrotationa
l Bow associated with deficiencies in parameterized tropical convectio
n force extratropical stationary wave errors, which in turn lead to sy
stematic changes in the midlatitude storm tracks. The transient eddy f
lux errors associated with the altered storm tracks then feedback posi
tively on the initial stationary wave errors and, after several days,
become the dominant source of systematic rotational flow errors.