Optical variability in galaxies at high redshift is a tracer of evolut
ion in AGN activity, and should provide a useful constraint on models
of galaxy evolution, AGN structure, and cosmology. We studied optical
variability in multiple deep CCD and photographic surveys of blank fie
lds for galaxies with B-j=20-25 mag. Weakly variable objects are far m
ore common than strongly variable ones. For objects near B-j=22, 0.74%
+/-0.2% vary by 0.026 mag rms or more, over a decade. This is small co
mpared with previous claims based on photographic surveys, and also sm
all compared with the fraction of bright quasars (approximate to 5% at
B-j=20 mag) or Seyferts (approximate to 1% - 2% for B-j < 18). The fr
action of objects that vary increases slowly with magnitude. Detection
probabilities and error rates were checked by simulations and statist
ical analysis of fluctuations of sample sky spots. (C) 1996 American A
stronomical Society.