Eighteen species of bryophytes are reported from inselbergs in Ivory C
oast, 25 from Zimbabwe. Fissidens basicarpus C. Mull., F. crispulus Br
id., F. reflexus Hampe, F. sciophilus Mitt., F. zollingeri Mont. and B
rachymenium angolense (Welw. & Duby) Jaeg. are reported as new to Ivor
y Coast, Riccia congoana Steph., R. macrociliata Volk & Perold, R. ros
ea Volk &: Perold, Campylopus decaryi Ther., Brachymenium philonotula
Broth. and Bryum arachnoideum C. Mull. are reported as new to Zimbabwe
. Plagiobryum zierii Lindb. is new to Ivory Coast and Zimbabwe. Rhizoi
dal tubers are reported for the first time for Brachymenium exile (Doz
y & Molk.) Bosch & Lac. The bryophyte flora of inselbergs consists mai
nly of thalloid liverworts and acrocarpous mosses, foliose liverworts
and pleurocarpous mosses are found rarely. Most mosses are sterile, sp
orophytes were found only in a few species. Hepatics from inselbergs (
mostly species of Riccia) possess large spores, which are hardly dispe
rsed by wind. Therefore the dispersal of inselberg bryophytes remains
largely doubtful.