To examine the role of human chromosomes in the development of metasta
tic prostate cancer, we introduced a copy of human chromosomes into hi
ghly metastatic Dunning R-3327 rat prostatic cancer cells by microcell
-mediated chromosome transfer. Each microcell hybrid clones containing
human chromosomes 8, 10, 11, and 17, respectively, showed decreased a
bility to metastasize to the lung, without any loss of tumorigenicity.
This finding demonstrates that these human chromosomes contain metast
asis suppressor genes for prostate cancer. Spontaneous deletion of por
tions of human chromosomes was observed in human chromosome 10, 11, an
d 17 studies. In the human chromosome 8 study, irradiated microcell-me
diated chromosome transfer was performed to enrich chromosomal arm del
etions of human chromosome 8. Relationships between the size of human
chromosomes introduced into microcell hybrid clones and the number of
lung metastases produced by the clones were analyzed to determine whic
h part of human chromosomes contained metastasis suppressor gene(s) fo
r prostate cancer. Molecular and cytogenetic analyses of microcell hyb
rid clones demonstrated that metastasis suppressor genes on human chro
mosomes 8, 10, and 11 were located on 8p23-q12, 10q, 11p13-11.2, respe
ctively. Further analyses are proposed to confirm the potentially usef
ul advantage of this assay system to identify metastasis suppressor ge
ne(s) for prostate cancer. (C) 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.