Patients successfully treated with a marrow transplant often have conc
erns about fertility and pregnancy. This study was performed to determ
ine pregnancy outcome among patients who had received high-dose chemot
herapy alone or with total-body irradiation (TBI) and marrow transplan
tation for aplastic anemia or hematologic malignancy. Records of 1,326
postpubertal and 196 prepubertal patients currently more than 12 year
s of age after marrow transplant in Seattle from August 1971 to Januar
y 1992 were reviewed to determine the patients with normal gonadal fun
ction and pregnancies. Among 708 postpubertal women, 110 recovered nor
mal ovarian function and 32 became pregnant. In addition, nine formerl
y prepubertal girls with normal gonadal function became pregnant. Amon
g 618 postpubertal men, 157 recovered testicular function and partners
of 33 became pregnant. An additional two formerly prepubertal men had
partners who became pregnant. Forty-one female patients and partners
of 35 male patients had 146 pregnancies after transplant. All 76 patie
nts responded to a questionnaire requesting pregnancy history, outcome
, infant birth weight, and congenital anomalies information for all cl
inically recognized pregnancies. There were 115 live births among 146
(79%) pregnancies. Spontaneous abortion terminated four of 56 (7%) pre
gnancies for 28 female cyclophosphamide (CY) recipients and six of 16
(37%) pregnancies for 13 TBI recipients (P = .02). Partners of 28 male
CY recipients had four of 62 (6.4%) pregnancies terminate with sponta
neous abortion, but there were no spontaneous abortions among eight pr
egnancies of five TBI recipients' partners. Preterm delivery occurred
for eight of 44 (18%) and five of eight (63%) live births for 24 CY an
d eight TBI female recipients (P = .01). This 25% incidence among all
female patient pregnancies is higher than the expected incidence of 8%
to 10% (P = .0001). The 13 preterm deliveries resulted in 10 low birt
h weight ([LBW] 1.8 to 2.24 kg) and three very low birth weight ([VLBW
] less than or equal to 1.36 kg) infants, for an overall incidence of
25%, which is higher than the expected incidence of 6.5% for the gener
al population (P = .0001). Twelve of the 13 premature infants survive.
Congenital anomalies were seen among two of 52 (3.8%) live-born infan
ts of female and six of 63 (9.5%) live-born infants of male patients,
which is not different from the 13% of single congenital anomalies rep
orted for the general population, These data demonstrate that clinical
ly recognized pregnancies among women who have received a marrow trans
plant incorporating TBI are likely to be accompanied by an increased r
isk of spontaneous abortion. Pregnancies among all women who received
a marrow transplant are likely to be accompanied by preterm labor and
delivery of LBW or VLBW babies who do not seem to be at an increased r
isk of congenital anomalies. However, determination of possible advers
e effects of parental exposure to high-dose alkylating agents with or
without TBI on children born posttransplant requires longer, additiona
l follow-up. (C) 1996 by The American Society of Hematology.