In view of the current debate concerning the origin of diamond in meta
morphic rocks of northern Kazakhstan, the helium content and isotope c
omposition in different size fractions of diamond from the metamorphic
rocks of the Kokchetav Massif were studied. The diamond was extracted
by the alkaline alloying technique. The anomalous isotope composition
and content of helium were pointed out; the correlation between the h
elium isotope composition and the grain size of diamond was demonstrat
ed. The comparative analysis of the helium isotope composition in carb
onade (Ubangi, central Africa) was carried out. Using results of therm
al annealing and applying the graphic differentiation method, the dist
inct difference in the kinetics of helium isotope emission from the ca
rbonade and from the fine grained fractions of the Kokchetav diamonds
were shown. The helium isotope composition was studied in diamond-bear
ing carbonate-pyroxene and garnet-pyroxene rocks and in monomineral fr
actions of garnet and pyroxene. Several phase-carriers of He-3 and He-
4 were established as well as the heterogeneous distribution of helium
isotopes in the diamond-bearing rocks. With the aim to study regulari
ties of helium isotope distribution in the diamond bearing rocks, the
garnet-pyroxene rock underwent the successive acidic treatment. In the
course of selective dissolution, the helium isotope composition of th
e fractions obtained was analyzed. As was shown, the significant varia
tion in the He-3/He-4 ratio in diamond-bearing rock is mainly caused b
y the presence (or absence) of the He-4 phase-carrier and, to a lesser
degree, by the presence (or absence) of several He-3 phases-carriers.
Zircon was established as a He-4 phase-carrier. The hypothesis of He-
3 chemical fractionation during the process of migration and concentra
tion of the radioactive precursor He-3 was proposed as a possible expl
anation of the relative and absolute anomalous enrichment of microdiam
onds in He-3.