Akan Rolled Products UK, Rogerstone Works Remelt Plant produces approx
imately 90 000 tonne/annum of aluminium sheet ingot in a wide variety
of alloy types. This paper describes the implementation and experience
of computer integrated manufacturing in that plant which has resulted
in major direct and indirect benefits. The system is based around on-
line reel-rime control of raw materials inventory and the use of advan
ced furnace charge optimisation technology The relative proportion of
recycled strap consumption has been increased with a corresponding red
uction in the consumption of virgin materials from about 15% down to a
bout 4% which has resulted in a major reduction in costs. Control of r
aw materials stocks and movements has been dramatically improved. In a
ddition to the significant effects on product qualify arising from the
improvement of composition control throughout the process, there have
also been consequential gains in productivity and energy efficiency.
The paper considers some of the factors which have contributed to the
success of this highly successful project since ifs inception.