We and others have defined a transcriptional silencer critical for the
proper expression of the CD4 gene at all stages of T cell development
. In this report, we use biochemical techniques to identify three diff
erent factor-binding sites within the CD4 silencer, denoted sites I, I
I, and III. Using transgenic analyses, we determine that although all
three factor-binding sites are important for silencer activity, there
is significant redundancy in that the presence of either site II alone
, or the combination of sites I and III permits silencer function. Thu
s, our data indicate that the mechanism of function of the CD4 silence
r is extremely complex. Further biochemical analyses indicate that the
factor binding to site II has the same sequence specificity as a fact
or binding to an E box site in the CD4 enhancer; thus, a member of the
bHLH factor family may be important in mediating silencer function.