Multiple diagnoses and risks among primary school children. The study
was conducted to assess the consequences of multiple diagnoses and han
dicaps in children aged 6 to 8 years. Children were considered to be <
<multiply handicapped>> if they suffered from two or more disorders or
impairments included in the Multi-axial Classification Scheme. To thi
s end children in special schools were compared with a random sample o
f children from three communities in Bavaria. As expected, all prevale
nces found in the population of children from special schools were sub
stantially higher than those found in the random sample. Furthermore,
the proportion of children with multiple handicaps in the special scho
ols far exceeded what one would have expected based on the findings fo
r the random sample. Most of the disturbances did not differ in respec
t to their comorbidity. But the mentally retarded children in the spec
ial schools were all <<multiply handicapped>>. The importance of <<mul
tiple handicaps>> for the assignment to special schools is discussed,
as are the implications for the planning of services.