One hundred and two patients with vulvar intra-epithelial neoplasia II
I (VIN III) were analyzed with respect to age, sites of lesion, presen
ce of human papilloma virus (HPV) and recurrence pattern following dif
ferent treatment modalities. Recurrences were documented in 64% of pat
ients. Patients treated with local excision had a statistically signif
icant lower recurrence rate compared to those who underwent laser vapo
rization (29% vs 55.8% correspondingly). Recurrence rates were also si
gnificantly higher in patients with multifocal/multicentric lesions (P
<0.05). A group of young, HPV-positive patients with multifocal/multic
entric lesions had the highest recurrence rate. Our data suggest that
VIN III should be followed for a long period of time and that a prospe
ctive study is required to clarify the effectiveness of the different
treatment modalities.