In this paper we seek to reconcile two competing frameworks for invent
ory management, namely the classical ''optimization'' framework and JI
T. While the first is predicated on the premise that the optimal level
of inventory is obtained by balancing the costs and benefits of inven
tory, the latter claims that inventory is a form of waste and thus sho
uld be eliminated completely (but gradually). We show that some of the
operational characteristics of JIT, as opposed to its rhetoric, can b
e obtained within the optimization framework provided that the relevan
t factors are taken into account. In particular, we show that in an en
vironment which is subject to ''learning from mistakes,'' it is better
to carry inventory levels which are lower than what is ''operationall
y optimal.'' We also study the (complex) relation between variability
reduction, inventory levels, and overall cost. In general, reducing th
e variability of a system (in the sense of first or second-order stoch
astic dominance) will not necessarily result in a lower level of inven
tory, although optimal cost will be reduced. We study conditions on va
riability improvement that guarantee that variability reductions will
always result in reduced levels of optimal inventory.