Depressed Th1 responses are a prominent feature of human tuberculosis,
but an enhanced Th2 response has not been detected in peripheral bloo
d T cells stimulated in vitro with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. In dise
ase due to Mycobacterium leprae, Th2 cells predominate in tissue lesio
ns of patients with extensive disease but are absent from peripheral b
lood, To determine if Th2 cells are present in tissue lesions of tuber
culosis patients, we evaluated patterns of cytokine expression in lymp
h nodes from tuberculosis patients with or without human immunodeficie
ncy virus infection and in controls without tuberculosis, Gamma interf
eron and interleukin-10 (IL-10) mRNA expression in tuberculosis patien
ts with or without human immunodeficiency virus infection was high, wh
ereas IL-4 expression in the same patients was low, Immunolabeling stu
dies showed that macrophage production of IL-12 was increased in lymph
nodes from tuberculosis patients, that gamma interferon was produced
by T cells, and that IL-10 was produced by macrophages rather than Th2
cells, These results indicate that Th2 responses are not enhanced eit
her systemically or at the site of disease in human tuberculosis.