Mutation induction in the supF gene of the plasmid pS189 by 7-bromomet
hylbenz[a]anthracene and 7-bromomethyl-12-methylbenz[a]anthracene was
examined. The former compound was substantially more mutagenic than th
e latter but a much greater proportion of the total mutations were loc
ated at mutation hotspots for the 12-methyl derivative. The overall co
rrelation between sites of mutation and sites of polymerase arrest (an
indicator of adduct formation) through the supF gene was poor. Althou
gh these bromo-compounds should form only a single guanine adduct (unl
ike dihydrodiol epoxides that form both cis and trans adducts) more th
an one mutational change was found at a given site, although the predo
minant base substitution was G-->T for either compound.