A morphometrical analysis of retinal hemorrhages was performed in case
s of physical child abuse including the shaken baby syndrome and in co
ntrols (severe head injury, intravital brain death, non-traumatic intr
acranial hemorrhage, SIDS including cardiopulmonary resuscitation). Th
e extent of the retinal hemorrhages was significantly different betwee
n both groups. In all cases of physical child abuse, massive retinal h
emorrhages in at least one eye could be found ranging between a maximu
m value of 19.2 and 73.2% of the entire retinal area. In contrast, onl
y two cases of the control group (severe head injury with skull fractu
res and intracranial bleeding following traffic accident or fall) show
ed slight hemorrhages of 3.33 or 1.18% of the retinal area but only in
one eye. Therefore, the results provide evidence that massive intrare
tinal hemorrhages indicate violent shaking - in particular in associat
ion with other signs of physical child abuse.