We sought to analyze our experience with pediatric epilepsy surgery pa
tients to determine the place of [F-18]fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG) positr
on emission tomography (FDG-PET) in the preoperative evaluation of suc
h children relative to chronic invasive intracranial monitoring, Fifty
-six children who received an interictal FDG-PET as part of a phase 1
epilepsy surgery evaluation were compared with 44 children who did not
have this study in a retrospective analysis of 100 patients accrued o
ver a 4-year period. There was no significant difference between the t
wo groups of children in terms of age or follow-up or was there a sign
ificant difference between the FDG-PET group and the no-FDG-PET group
in regard to the numbers of children who had surgery, the type of proc
edure done, whether chronic invasive intracranial monitoring was perfo
rmed, or outcome, The hypometabolic area demonstrated on interictal FD
G-PET was concordant with that of the epileptogenic zone as mapped out
with ictal recordings from subdural electrodes in 2 of 13 patients in
whom a complete data set was available for comparison, In the other 1
1 children there was either poor agreement between interictal FDG-PET
and ictal electrocorticographic data or the interictal FDG-PET was nor
mal in the face of an epileptogenic focus which was successfully mappe
d by invasive electrophysiologic techniques and excised, We conclude t
hat one cannot exclude a child with intractable partial seizures from
surgical consideration because the interictal FDG-PET is normal; nor i
s there sufficient correlation between the interictal hypometabolic ar
ea on FDG-PET and the epileptogenic zone in terms of anatomic location
and size to justify forgoing chronic invasive intracranial monitoring
In children with intractable partial seizures being evaluated for epi
lepsy surgery unless there is absolute concordance between all neuroim
aging, clinical, and video-electroencephalographic data.