Pa. Griffin, STAGGERED FERMIONS AND CHIRAL-SYMMETRY BREAKING IN TRANSVERSE LATTICEREGULATED QED, Physical review. D. Particles and fields, 47(8), 1993, pp. 3530-3542
Staggered fermions are constructed for the transverse lattice regulari
zation scheme. The weak perturbation theory of transverse lattice nonc
ompact QED is developed in the light-cone gauge, and we argue that for
fixed lattice spacing this theory is ultraviolet finite, order by ord
er in perturbation theory. However, by calculating the anomalous scali
ng dimension of the link fields, we find that the interaction Hamilton
ian becomes nonrenormalizable for g2(a) > 4pi, where g (a) is the bare
(lattice) QED coupling constant. We conjecture that this is the criti
cal point of the chiral-symmetry-breaking phase transition in QED. Non
perturbative chiral-symmetry breaking is then studied in the strong-co
upling limit. The discrete remnant of chiral symmetry that remains on
the lattice is spontaneously broken, and the ground state to lowest or
der in the strong-coupling expansion corresponds to the classical grou
nd state of the two-dimensional spin-1/2 Heisenberg antiferromagnet.