E. Meggiolaro, REMARK ON HIGH-ENERGY QUARK-QUARK SCATTERING AND THE EIKONAL APPROXIMATION, Physical review. D. Particles and fields, 53(7), 1996, pp. 3835-3845
In this paper we calculate the high-energy quark-quark scattering ampl
itude, first in the case of scalar QCD, using Fradkin's approach to de
rive the scalar quark propagator in an external gluon field and comput
ing it in the eikonal approximation. (This approach was also recently
used by Fabbrichesi, Pettorino, Veneziano, and Vilkovisky to study the
four-dimensional Planckian-energy scattering in gravity.) We then ext
end the results to the case of ''real'' (i.e., fermion) QCD, thus deri
ving again, in a rather direct way, the results previously found by Na
chtmann. The Abelian case (QED) is also discussed in the Appendix.