Hybridoma cell growth and monoclonal antibody production were investig
ated with a laboratory-made system in which cells were grown in dialys
is tubing (MW cut-off 25 kD). The dialysis system contained 10 ml of c
ell suspension and was immersed in 200 ml of culture medium which when
replaced or was at 4-day intervals. With this system, monoclonal anti
body concentrations similar to those observed in ascites (concentratio
ns in the order of one gramme per liter) were obtained. With no medium
replacement, the antibody production was 3.3 g/l and the cell product
ivity 3.2 x 10(-8) mug of IgM produced per cell in one minute. With me
dium replacement the antibody production was higher, 4.4 g/l but the c
ell productivity was lower, 1.49 x 10(-8) mug per cell in one minute.
Cells cultivated in non-optimized conditions were better producers tha
n cells growing in a good environment.