Sequence comparison in molecular biology is in the beginning of a majo
r paradigm shift-a shift from gene comparison based on local mutations
(i.e., insertions, deletions, and substitutions of nucleotides) to ch
romosome comparison based on global rearrangements (i.e., inversions a
nd transpositions of fragments). The classical methods of sequence com
parison do not work for global rearrangements, and little is known in
computer science about the edit distance between sequences if global r
earrangements are allowed. In the simplest form, the problem of gene r
earrangements corresponds to sorting by reversals, i.e., sorting of an
array using reversals of arbitrary fragments. Recently, Kececioglu an
d Sankoff gave the first approximation algorithm for sorting by revers
als with guaranteed error bound 2 and identified open problems related
to chromosome rearrangements. One of these problems is Gollan's conje
cture on the reversal diameter of the symmetric group. This paper prov
es the conjecture. Further, the problem of expected reversal distance
between two random permutations is investigated. The reversal distance
between two random permutations is shown to be very close to the reve
rsal diameter, thereby indicating that reversal distance provides a go
od separation between related and nonrelated sequences in molecular ev
olution studies. The gene rearrangement problem forces us to consider
reversals of signed permutations, as the genes in DNA could be positiv
ely or negatively oriented. An approximation algorithm for signed perm
utation is presented, which provides a performance guarantee of 3/2 Fi
nally, using the signed permutations approach, an approximation algori
thm for sorting by reversals is described which achieves a performance
guarantee of 7/4.