Matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) play a cardinal role in the breakdown
of extracellular matrix involved in a variety of biological and pathol
ogical processes. Research on MMPs has classified and characterized th
ese enzymes according to their matrix substrate specificity, gene and
protein domain structure, and regulation of activity and expression. H
owever, the discovery of new MMPs has introduced a need for a more com
prehensive and systematic method of classification and quantitative co
mparison of known and newly discovered members. This study compiles a
sequence alignment, constructs a dendrogram, and calculates physical d
ata and homology percentage assignments in order to obtain further ins
ight into MMP structure-function relationships. Thorough analysis of M
MP primary sequence domains, physical data patterns, and statistical a
nalysis of sequence homology yields higher resolution in the similarit
ies and differences that group MMP members.